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Astrid Reyes

Communication Specialist and Scheduler


Scottsdale Perinatal Associates, PLLC

Scottsdale Perinatal Associates, PLLC

Language Spoken


About Astrid Reyes

Astrid Reyes was born and raised in Arizona. She began working in the medical field in 2013 as a certified medical assistant. She is married, has three beautiful daughters, and loves spending time with her family. Astrid has a passion for the medical field and hopes to fulfill her dream of becoming a sonographer or registered nurse in the future.

Astrid Reyes was born and raised in Arizona. She began working in the medical field in 2013 as a certified medical assistant. She is married, has three beautiful daughters, and loves spending time with her family. Astrid has a passion for the medical field and hopes to fulfill her dream of becoming a sonographer or registered nurse in the future.

Other Providers Who Work With Astrid Reyes

Colleen Abrams, PA-C

Physician Assistant

Patty Sheridan, RDMS


  • Scottsdale Perinatal Associates, PLLC

Joshua Makhoul, MD


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